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/— Clarion 11.1.13758 July 27, 2021 —– Fixes/Changes/Features–/

FIX: Possible problems with freeing names of temporary files with images printed by the Report
FIX: Invoking UNREGISTER for registered events from the handler of one of those events could cause an exception
FIX: H5: mismatched order of methods in public and internal declarations of the IMappedListContents interface
FIX: Setting of SYSTEM{PROP:Hide} was not working
FIX: Dictionary editor: sometimes when no data type is selected for the field, and the Attributes Tab is selected, a Null Exception can be generated
FIX: DCT was generating a null exception if trying to edit a table without having the Tables' named driver installed
FIX: Font properties were not applied to controls in a non-default target, for example it affected Report$FEQ assignments
CHANGE: DCT will change to ReadOnly if a table specifies a non-registered driver in order to avoid adding potential invalid data in the DCT definition
readme_11.1.13758.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/27 16:16 by sean