Navigation: Language Reference > App C - PROP: Runtime Properties > Complete Property List >====== PROP:TempNameFunc ====== | |
Property of a REPORT which allows you to create your own names for the metafiles generated for the PREVIEW attribute by writing a callback function to supply the metafile name for each page of the report. The callback function must be a PROCEDURE which takes a single SIGNED parameter and returns a STRING.
To turn this on, you must assign the ADDRESS of your callback function to PROP:TempNameFunc. To turn it off, you must assign zero (0).
The report engine, when it is about to write a page of the report to disk, calls your procedure, passing it the page number, and uses the return value from your procedure as the name of the metafile (both on disk and in the PREVIEW attribute's QUEUE). The callback function must create the file to ensure that the name is available.
When using PROP:TempNameFunc, PROP:FlushPreview writes the metafiles to the printer but does not automatically delete them (you must clean them up yourself, whenever your program is finished using them).
MEMBER('MyApp') MAP PageNames PROCEDURE(SIGNED),STRING !Callback function prototype END MyReport PROCEDURE MyQueue QUEUE !Preview queue STRING(260) END Report REPORT,PREVIEW(MyQueue) !ReportDeclaration END CODE OPEN(Report) Report{PROP:TempNameFunc} = ADDRESS(PageNames) !Assign ADDRESS to property so the ! report engine calls PageNames to ! get the name to use for each page !Report processing code goes here Report{PROP:TempNameFunc} = 0 !Assign zero to property to turn off Report{PROP:FlushPreview} = TRUE !Send the report to the printer ! and the .WMF files are still on disk PageNames PROCEDURE(PageNumber) !Callback function for page names NameVar STRING(260),STATIC PageFile FILE,DRIVER('DOS'),NAME(NameVar),CREATE Rec RECORD F1 LONG . . CODE NameVar = PATH() & '\PAGE' & FORMAT(PageNumber,@n04) & '.WMF' CREATE(PageFile) RETURN(NameVar)