Navigation: Language Reference > App C - PROP: Runtime Properties > Complete Property List >====== PROP:NextTabStop and PROP:PrevTabStop ====== | |
PROP:NextTabStop returns the next control (field equate label) that can have input focus and be reached by pressing the Tab key.
PROP:PrevTabStop returns the previous control (field equate label) that can have input focus and be reached by pressing ShiftTab key
NextControlFEQ = window{PROP:NextTabStop} !get next control to TAB to
PrevControlFEQ = window{PROP:PrevTabStop} !Get next control to shift-tab to
Window{PROP:NextTabStop} = ?List !Set the next control to tab to
prop_nexttabstop_and_prop_prevtabstop.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by