Navigation: Language Reference > App C - PROP: Runtime Properties > Complete Property List > ====== PROP:NextField ====== | |
An array property which returns the next control number in sequence of a window or report. (READ-ONLY) The control number returned is the control following the array element numbered control. The order in which PROP:NextField returns field numbers is undefined. PROP:NextField returns zero when the array element number is the last control in its list. This property easily allows you to loop through all the controls in a window or report, whether those controls have USE attributes or not. Controls without a USE attribute are assigned a control number starting at 32768.
WinView WINDOW('View'),AT(0,0,320,200),MDI,MAX,HVSCROLL IMAGE(),AT(0,0,,),USE(?Image) BUTTON('Save Picture'),AT(80,180,60,20),USE(?SavePic) BUTTON('New Picture'),AT(160,180,60,20),USE(?NewPic) BUTTON('Last Picture'),AT(240,180,60,20),USE(?LastPic) END ThisField LONG(0) CODE OPEN(WinView) LOOP ThisField = WinView{PROP:NextField,ThisField} !Process every control IF ThisField ThisField{PROP:FontName} = 'Arial' !Changing the font ThisField{PROP:FontSize} = 10 ELSE BREAK !Break when done . . ACCEPT END
See Also:
prop_nextfield.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/14 13:56 by carlbarnes