Navigation: Language Reference > App C - PROP: Runtime Properties > Complete Property List >====== PROP:LazyDisplay ====== | |
SYSTEM property which disables (when set to 1) or enables (when set to 0, the default) the feature where all window re-painting is completely done before processing continues with the next statement following a DISPLAY. Setting PROP:LazyDisplay = 1 creates seemingly faster video processing, since the re-paints occur at the end of the ACCEPT loop if there are no other messages pending. This can improve the performance of some applications, but can also have a negative impact on appearance.
WinView APPLICATION('MyApp'),AT(0,0,320,200),MAX,HVSCROLL,SYSTEM END CODE OPEN(WinView) SYSTEM{PROP:LazyDisplay} = 1 !Disable extra paint message display ! throughout entire application ACCEPT END
prop_lazydisplay.htm.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/19 05:39 by carlbarnes