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Navigation:  Advanced Topics > Legacy Project System Reference >====== Project #pragmas ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

A #pragma with the class name project is used to pass information from a compile to the Project System. The value of the #pragma should be a string, which is then stored in the object file for use by the Project System. Whenever an object file is added to the link list, the text specified using this #pragma is executed as a Project System command. For example, if a header file includes the line:

#pragma project(“#set myflag=on”)

then whenever a source file that includes this header file is included in a project, the Project System macro myflag will be set. This might be used for processing later in the project file.

This #pragma may only appear in source files, not in a project file.

project_pragmas_1.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by