Navigation: Language Reference > 13 - Built-in Functions >====== Functions by Type of Usage ====== | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Logic Control
CHAIN (execute another program)
SHUTDOWN (arm termination procedure)
STOP (suspend program execution)
Event Processing
ALERT (set event generation key)
POST (post user-defined event)
REGISTER (register event handler)
UNREGISTER (unregister event handler)
YIELD (allow event processing)
START (return new execution thread)
THREAD (return current execution thread)
UNLOCKTHREAD (unlock the current execution thread)
LOCKTHREAD (re-lock the current execution thread)
THREADLOCKED (returns current execution thread locked state)
SUSPEND (suspend thread execution)
RESUME (resume thread execution)
Window Processing
ACCEPTED (return control just completed)
CHANGE (change control field value)
CHOICE (return relative item position)
CLONE (duplicate existing control)
CONTENTS (return contents of USE variable)
DISPLAY (write USE variables to screen)
ENABLE (re-activate dimmed control)
ERASE (clear screen control and USE variables)
FIELD (return control with focus)
FIRSTFIELD (return first window control)
FOCUS (return control with focus)
GETFONT (get font information)
GETPOSITION (get control position)
INCOMPLETE (return empty REQ control)
LASTFIELD (return last window control)
MESSAGE (return message box response)
MOUSEX (return mouse horizontal position)
MOUSEY (return mouse vertical position)
OPEN (open window for processing)
POPUP (return popup menu selection)
SELECT (select next control to process)
SELECTED (return control that has received focus)
SET3DLOOK (set 3D window look)
SETCURSOR (set temporary mouse cursor)
SETPOSITION (specify new control position)
SETTARGET (set current window or report)
UPDATE (write from screen to USE variables)
Keyboard Processing
FORWARDKEY (pass keystrokes to control)
KEYBOARD (return keystroke waiting)
KEYSTATE (return keyboard status)
PRESS (put characters in the buffer)
PRESSKEY (put a keystroke in the buffer)
SETKEYCHAR (specify ASCII code)
Windows Standard Dialogs
COLORDIALOG (return chosen color)
FILEDIALOG (return chosen file)
FONTDIALOG (return chosen font)
FONTDIALOGA (return chosen font and character set)
PRINTERDIALOG (return chosen printer)
Drag and Drop Processing
CLIPBOARD (return windows clipboard contents)
DRAGID (return matching drag-and-drop signature)
DROPID (return drag-and-drop string)
SETCLIPBOARD (set windows clipboard contents)
SETDROPID (set DROPID return string)
Non-Volatile Storage
GETINI (return INI file entry)
GETREG (get Windows registry entry)
PUTREG (write value to Windows registry)
DELETEREG(remove a value or key from Windows registry)
Report Processing
CLOSE (close an active report structure)
OPEN (open a report structure for processing)
PRINT (print a report structure)
Graphics Processing
ARC (draw an arc of an ellipse)
CHORD (draw a section of an ellipse)
PENCOLOR (return line draw color)
PENSTYLE (return line draw style)
PENWIDTH (return line draw thickness)
POLYGON (draw a multi-sided figure)
ROUNDBOX (draw a box with round corners)
SETPENCOLOR (set line draw color)
SETPENSTYLE (set line draw style)
SETPENWIDTH (set line draw thickness)
File Processing
BUFFER (set FILE record paging)
BUILD (build keys and indexes)
CALLBACK (register or unregister a FileCallBackInterface)
CREATE (create an empty data file)
GETSTATE (return current state of data file)
RECORDS (return number of file or key records)
RENAME (change file directory name)
RESTORESTATE (restore state of data file)
SEND (send message to file driver)
SQLCALLBACK (register or unregister a SQLCallBackInterface)
STREAM (enable operating system buffering)
UNLOCK (unlock a locked data file)
Record Processing
APPEND (add a new file record)
DUPLICATE (check for duplicate key entries)
GET (read a file record by direct access)
HOLD (exclusive file record access)
NEXT (read next file record in sequence)
NOMEMO (read file record without reading memo)
POSITION (return file record sequence position)
PREVIOUS (read previous file record in sequence)
PUT (write record back to file)
RELEASE (release a held file record)
RESET (reset file record sequence position)
SET (initiate sequential file processing)
SKIP (bypass file records in sequence)
WATCH (automatic file concurrency check)
Transaction Processing
COMMIT (terminate successful transaction)
ROLLBACK (terminate unsuccessful transaction)
Null Data Processing
GETNULLS (get the NULL state of a table)
SETNULLS (set the null state of columns)
SETNONNULL (set file field non-null)
Internationalization Support
ISALPHA (return alphabetic character)
ISLOWER (return lower case character)
ISUPPER (return upper case character)
LOCALE (load environment file)
View Processing
BUFFER (set VIEW record paging)
CALLBACK (register or unregister a FileCallBackInterface)
DELETE (delete a view primary file record)
HOLD (exclusive view record access)
NEXT (read next view record in sequence)
POSITION (return view record sequence position)
PREVIOUS (read previous view record in sequence)
PUT (write VIEW primary file record back)
RECORDS (return number of rows in data set)
RELEASE (release a held view record)
RESET (reset view record sequence position)
SET (set view record sequence position)
SKIP (bypass view records in sequence)
SQLCALLBACK (register or unregister an SQLCallBackInterface)
WATCH (automatic view concurrency check)
Queue Processing
CHANGES (return changed queue)
POINTER (return last entry position)
POSITION (return record sequence position)
RECORDS (return number of entries)
Mathematical Procedures
INRANGE (check number within range)
LOGE (return natural logarithm)
LOG10 (return base 10 logarithm)
Trigonometric Procedures
String Processing
ALL (return repeated characters)
CENTER (return centered string)
CHR (return character from ASCII)
CLIP (return string without trailing spaces)
DEFORMAT (return unformatted numbers from string)
FORMAT (return formatted numbers into a picture)
INSTRING (return substring position)
LEFT (return left justified string)
MATCH (return matching strings)
NUMERIC (return numeric string)
RIGHT (return right justified string)
SUB (return substring of string)
TIE (associate a string value to an ASTRING)
TIED (retrieves a value associated with an ASTRING)
UNTIE (disassociate a string value from an ASTRING)
Bit Manipulation
BXOR (return bitwise exclusive OR)
Date / Time Processing
AGE (return age from base date)
Field Access
ISSTRING (return field string type or not)
WHAT (return field from group)
WHERE (return field position in group)
Operating System Procedures
DIRECTORY (get file directory)
LONGPATH (return long filename)
PATH (return current directory)
RUNCODE (return program exit code)
SETCOMMAND (set command line parameters)
SETPATH (change current drive and directory)
SHORTPATH (return short filename)
Error Reporting
ERRORCODE (return error code number)
ERRORFILE (return error filename)
FILEERROR (return file driver error message)
FILEERRORCODE (return file driver error code number)
REJECTCODE (return reject code number)
ADDRESS (return memory address)
CALL (call procedure from a DLL)
MAXIMUM (return maximum subscript value)
OMITTED (return omitted parameters)