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#PREPARE Begins a prompts symbol setup section.
statements Template language statements to fix multi-valued symbols to the values needed to process the #PROMPT or #BUTTON statement preceding the #PREPARE.
#ENDPREPARE Terminates the section.

The #PREPARE structure contains Template language statements to fix multi-valued symbols to the values needed to process the #PROMPT or #BUTTON statements preceding the #PREPARE.

A #PREPARE section that precedes all the prompts is executed once, before the prompts are added to a window. In particular, if the prompts are displayed on the procedure properties screen, editing the window definition and returning does not execute the prepare code.


#CODE (SetProperty, 'Set a property on a control')







 #LOOP WHILE(%NextLine <;> %Eof)

   #! Exclude PROPLIST: properties

   #IF (SUB(%NextLine, 1, 5) = 'PROP:')

     #ADD(%Choices, SUB(%NextLine, 1, INSTRING(' ',%NextLine)-1))


   #READ (%NextLine)




#PROMPT('Control:', FROM(%Control)),%Target

#PROMPT('Property:', FROM(%Choices)),%Selection

#PROMPT('Value:', @s255),%TargetValue

%target{%Selection} = %TargetValue

prepare_setup_prompt_symbols_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by