Navigation: Language Reference > 9 - Window and Report Attributes > Window and Report Attributes >====== PAPER (set report paper size) ====== | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
PAPER( [type] [,width] [,height])
PAPER | Defines the paper size for the report. |
type | An integer constant or EQUATE that specifies a standard Windows paper size. EQUATES for these are contained in the EQUATES.CLW file. |
width | An integer constant or constant expression that specifies the width of the paper (PROPPRINT:paperwidth, equivalent to {PROPPRINT:PAPER,2}) |
height | An integer constant or constant expression that specifies the height of the paper (PROPPRINT:paperheight, equivalent to {PROPPRINT:PAPER,3}). |
The PAPER attribute (PROPPRINT:PAPER) on a REPORT structure defines the paper size for the report. The width and height parameters are only required when PAPER:User is selected as the type. Not all printers support all paper sizes.
The values contained in the width and height parameters always default to 1/1000 inch units, regardless of the absence or presence of the THOUS, MM, or POINTS attribute.
CustRpt1 REPORT,AT(1000,1000,6500,9000),THOUS,PAPER(PAPER:User,8500,7000)
!print on 8.5“ x 7” paper
!report declarations
CustRpt2 REPORT,AT(72,72,468,648),POINTS,PAPER(PAPER:A4)
!print on A4 size paper
!report declarations