Navigation: Language Reference > 11 - Assignments > Assignment Statements >====== Operating Assignments ====== | |
destination | += | source | ||
destination | -= | source | ||
destination | *= | source | ||
destination | /= | source | ||
destination | = | source | ||
destination | %= | source |
destination | Must be the label of a variable. This may not be a runtime property. |
source | A constant, variable, procedure, or expression. |
Operating assignment statements perform their operation on the destination and source, then assign the result to the destination. Operating assignment statements are more efficient than their functionally equivalent operations.
Operating Assignment Functional Equivalent
A += 1 A = A + 1
A -= B A = A - B
A *= -5 A = A * -5
A /= 100 A = A / 100
A ^= I + 1 A = A ^ (I + 1)
A %= 7 A = A % 7
See Also:
operating_assignments.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by