Navigation: Language Reference > App A - DDE, OLE, and OCX > OCX Library Procedures >====== OCXSETPARAM (set current event parameter string) ====== | |
OCXSETPARAM( reference ,number ,value )
OCXSETPARAM | Sets the value of a parameter associated with the current OCX event. |
reference | The label of the first parameter of the event processing callback procedure. |
number | The number of the parameter to set. |
value | A string constant or variable containing the value to set. |
OCXSETPARAM sets the value of the number parameter associated with the current event. This is only allowed on parameters that are passed by address (see the OCX control's documentation for valid parameters to set). If the modification is not allowed it will be ignored. This procedure is only valid when the .OCX event processing callback function is active.
OEvent PROCEDURE(Reference,OleControl,CurrentEvent) !Event processing callback proc
Count LONG
Res CSTRING(200)
Parm CSTRING(30)
IF CurrentEvent <;> OCXEVENT:MouseMove !Eliminate mouse move events
Res = 'Control ' & OleControl & ' Event ' & OleControl{PROP:LastEventName} & ':'
LOOP Count = 1 TO OCXGETPARAMCOUNT(Reference) !Cycle through all parameters
Parm = OCXGETPARAM(Reference,Count) !getting each parameter name
Res = CLIP(Res) & ' ' & Parm !and concatenate them together
OCXSETPARAM(Reference,1,'1') !Change the parameter's value
GlobalQue = Res !Assign to a global QUEUE
ADD(GlobalQue) !add the entry for later display
END !of all the OCX events and their
RETURN(True) !parameters
See Also: