Navigation: Language Reference > App A - DDE, OLE, and OCX > OCX Library Procedures >====== OCXGETPARAMCOUNT (return number of parameters for current event) ====== | |
OCXGETPARAMCOUNT | Returns the number of parameters associated with the current OCX event. |
Reference | The label of the first parameter of the event processing callback procedure. |
OCXGETPARAMCOUNT returns the number of parameters associated with the current .OCX event. This procedure is only valid when the .OCX event processing callback function is active.
Return Data Type: USHORT
OEvent PROCEDURE(Reference,OleControl,CurrentEvent) !Event processing callback proc
Count LONG
Res CSTRING(200)
Parm CSTRING(30)
IF CurrentEvent <;> OCXEVENT:MouseMove !Eliminate mouse move events
Res = 'Control ' & OleControl & ' Event ' & OleControl{PROP:LastEventName} & ':'
LOOP Count = 1 TO OCXGETPARAMCOUNT(Reference) !Cycle through all parameters
Parm = OCXGETPARAM(Reference,Count) !getting each parameter name
Res = CLIP(Res) & ' ' & Parm !and concatenate them together
GlobalQue = Res !Assign to a global QUEUE
ADD(GlobalQue) !add the entry for later display
END !of all the OCX events and their
RETURN(True) !parameters
See Also: