Navigation: Templates > Guide to all Templates > Additional Libraries and Templates > Rich Text Template Support - Overview >====== LimitTextSize code template ====== | |
This template (and its associated code templates) has been deprecated, and is now replaced by the RTF Text Control template.
The LimitTextSize code template is used to limit the number of text that can be placed in the rich text control regardless of the method used to save the data field or file. This template calls the LimitTextSize method. This method takes one parameter. It is the size limit for the control. This method should be called before the rich text control is loaded.
LimitTextSize( MaxTextSize )
Example method calls:
oRTF_RTFTextBox.LimitTextSize(2000) !Limit text to 2000 characters
Template Prompts:
Associated RTF control
Select the RTF control from the drop-down list. All controls on the Window are included in the list. This field in required.
Amount of text in characters (bytes)
Specify the maximum number of characters allowed in the rich text field. This includes the rich text formatting characters.