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Language extensions are found in ClaRunExt.dll (located in the BIN folder).

Runtime requirements:

ClaRunExt.dll requires that .Net 3.5 or higher is installed on target machines.

The functions below are defined in, the Amazon Web Services functions are found in ClaAws*.inc

WebRequest Methods


Language Reference

!Executes an HTTP Web Request with the passed parameters and stores the response in the responseOut buffer

HttpWebRequest         PROCEDURE(CONST *CSTRING httpWebAddress,LONG httpVerbMethod,CONST *CSTRING postData,CONST *CSTRING requestParameters,*CSTRING responseOut),LONG

!Executes an HTTP WebRequest with the passed parameters and stores the response in a file created with the name in outputFilename

HttpWebRequestToFile    PROCEDURE(CONST *CSTRING httpWebAddress,LONG httpVerbMethod,CONST *CSTRING postData,CONST *CSTRING requestParameters,*CSTRING errorOut, CONST *CSTRING outputFilename),LONG

SMTP Methods

see also:

Email and SMS from hand-code

Template Support

!Send an SMS (text message) to the toPhoneNumber via the toCarrier using the SMTP server information

SendSMS               PROCEDURE(STRING SMTPServerHost, STRING SMTPLoginUserName, STRING SMTPLoginPassword, LONG SMTPPort, LONG SMTPEnableSsl, LONG showErrorMessage, STRING fromAddress, STRING toPhoneNumber, STRING toCarrier, STRING subject, STRING textMessage, <;*STRING errMessage>),LONG

!Send an Email to the toAddress using the SMTP server information

SendMail              PROCEDURE(STRING SMTPServerHost, STRING SMTPLoginUserName, STRING SMTPLoginPassword, LONG SMTPPort, LONG SMTPEnableSsl, LONG showErrorMessage, LONG receiveRequest, STRING messageBodyEncoding, STRING fromAddress, STRING toAddress, STRING replyToAddress, STRING subject, STRING htmlMessage, STRING embeddedImageFileNames, STRING textMessage, STRING attachedFileNames, STRING ccList, STRING bccList, <;*STRING errMessage>),LONG

Image Methods

!Convert any Clarion supported format image file to a PNG file, changing the fileName extension to PNG.

ImageToPNG            PROCEDURE(STRING fileNameIn),LONG

!Convert any Clarion supported format image file to a PNG with the name fileNameOut

ImageToPNG            PROCEDURE(STRING fileNameIn, STRING fileNameOut),LONG

!Modify a file applying rotation or flip and store the result in a new file

ImageRotateFlip       PROCEDURE(STRING fileNameIn, STRING fileNameOut, LONG RotateFlipType),LONG

!Create a new image reduced in size based on the parcentage parameter

ImageSaveThumbnail    PROCEDURE(STRING fileNameIn, STRING fileNameOut, LONG percentage),LONG

language_extensions_clarunext_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by