Navigation: ABC Library Reference > ASCIIFileClass > AsciiFileClass Methods >====== Init (initialize the ASCIIFileClass object) ====== | |
Init( file, field [,filename], error handler )
Init | Initializes the ASCIIFileClass object. |
file | The label of the file to display. |
field | The fully qualified label of the file field to display. |
filename | The label of the file's NAME attribute variable. If omitted, the file has a constant NAME attribute. If null (''), the ASCIIFileClass prompts the end user to select a file. |
error handler | The label of the ErrorClass object to handle errors encountered by this ASCIIFileClass object. |
The Init method initializes the ASCIIFileClass object and returns a value indicating whether it successfully accessed the file and is ready to proceed.
The Init method returns one (1) if it accessed the file and is ready to proceed; it returns zero (0) and calls the Kill method if unable to access the file and cannot proceed.
If the Init method returns zero (0), the ASCIIFileClass object is not initialized and you should not call its methods.
Return Data Type: BYTE
Filename STRING(255),THREAD !declare filename variable
FileActive BYTE !declare success/fail switch
AsciiFile FILE,DRIVER('ASCII'),NAME(Filename),PRE(A1)
Line STRING(255)
CODE !init ASCIIFileClass object with:
FileActive=ASCIIFile.Init(AsciiFile, | ! file label
A1:Line, | ! file field to display
Filename, | ! NAME attribute variable
GlobalErrors) ! ErrorClass object
IF ~FileActive THEN RETURN. !If init failed, don't proceed
ACCEPT !If init succeeded, proceed
IF EVENT() = EVENT:CloseWindow
IF FileActive THEN ASCIIFile.Kill. !If init succeeded, shut down
!program code
See Also: Kill