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ICON( title, extensions )


ICON Calls the Windows common Open File dialog.
Title A string constant containing the title to place on the file open dialog.
extensions A string constant containing the available file extension selections for the List Files of Type drop list.

The ICON type in a #PROMPT statement is similar to the OPENDIALOG #PROMPT type, and indicates the prompt's symbol must contain the name of the file selected by the programmer from the Open File dialog (see also FILEDIALOG). The file must already exist on disk.


#PROMPT('Icon (*.ico):',ICON('Select ChildRoot Level Icon','Icon files (*.ico)|*.ico')),%MCRTChildConditionalExpandedIconF
#PROMPT('&Default Icon:',ICON),%PrimaryDefaultIcon
#PROMPT('Start Icon',ICON('Select an Icon','Icons|*.ICO|GIF|*.GIF|JPEG|*.JPG|BitMap|*.BMP|Pcx|*.PCX|All|*.*')),%StartIcon
icon_call_icon_selection_dialog_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by