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Navigation:  »No topics above this level«====== Formula Editor Dialog ====== Return to chapter overview

The Formula Editor dialog provides access to fields defined in the Data / Tables Pad, as well as global or local variables, and facilitates creating syntactically correct expressions.

To create an expression, you press buttons to add components to the Statement line. You can also type in your expression, and check the syntax upon completion.

Name A descriptive label for the formula.
Class A formula's class determines when its calculation is performed. Each template has its own set of classes. For example, in the Form Procedure Template there is a class called “After Lookups” which tells the Application Generator to compute the formula after all lookups to secondary files are completed for the procedure.
Press the ellipsis ( … ) button next to the field to view the list of available template classes in the Template Classes dialog.
Description A short text description for the formula.
Result The variable to which the value of the expression is assigned at run time.
Press the ellipsis ( … ) button next to the field to view the Select Column dialog, in which you can select or define the variable.
Statement The actual expression under construction.
Check Tests and validates the expression under construction. A check box appears if the expression is syntactically correct. An “X” appears if not.
Information Describes the currently selected component in the Statements box.
Operators Provides buttons for inserting logical and bitwise operators into the expression. You can also type them in directly.
Data Accesses the Select Column dialog where you can select or define a variable or field as an operand within the expression.
Functions Access a list of built-in Clarion functions in the Functions dialog.
User Accesses user defined functions within the application under development, displaying them in the User Function dialog.
Conditionals Accesses the Conditional Dialog, which allows you to create a conditional expression.

See Also:

How to Create a Simple Assignment Expression

How to Create a Complex Assignment Expression

frm20.htm.txt · Last modified: 2019/11/13 16:57 by