Navigation: Language Reference > 9 - Window and Report Attributes > Window and Report Attributes >====== FORMAT() Style Properties ====== | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The following properties are used to set up the array of styles available to a column with the Y modifier or for use with PROPLIST:ColStyle. These define an array of available styles. Assigning the array element number to the Y modifier's LONG field or to PROPLIST:ColStyle sets the display style for the individual cell or column.
An array property that sets or returns the background color for the style number specifed as the array element.
An array property that sets or returns the selected background color for the style number specifed as the array element.
An array property that sets or returns the selected bar frame color for the style number specifed as the array element.
?List{PROPSTYLE:BarFrame, 1} = COLOR:Blue
If PROPSTYLE:BarFrame is set for a style where the default frame color is not set, the runtime library uses one on the base selection bar's background color.
If the barframe color matches the selection bar color, the focus rectangle is not drawn if the list box has focus
An array property that sets or returns the font character set for the style number specified as the array element.
An array property that sets or returns the font color for the style number specified as the array element.
An array property that sets or returns the font name for the style number specified as the array element.
An array property that sets or returns the font size for the style number specified as the array element.
An array property that sets or returns the font style (strike weight, etc.) for the style number specifed as the array element.
An array property that sets or returns the display picture associated with the style number specifed as the array element.
An array property that sets or returns the text color for the style number specified as the array element (same as fontcolor).
An array property that sets or returns the selected text color for the style number specifed as the array element.
?list{PROPSTYLE:FontName, 1} = 'Arial' !setup positive value style
?list{PROPSTYLE:FontSize, 1} = 11
?list{PROPSTYLE:FontStyle, 1} = FONT:Regular
?list{PROPSTYLE:TextColor, 1} = COLOR:Yellow
?list{PROPSTYLE:BackColor, 1} = COLOR:Black
?list{PROPSTYLE:TextSelected, 1} = COLOR:Yellow
?list{PROPSTYLE:BackSelected, 1} = COLOR:Blue
?list{PROPSTYLE:Picture, 1} = '@n11.2'
?list{PROPSTYLE:FontName, 2} = 'Arial' !setup negative value style
?list{PROPSTYLE:FontSize, 2} = 11
?list{PROPSTYLE:FontStyle, 2} = FONT:Bold
?list{PROPSTYLE:TextColor, 2} = COLOR:Red
?list{PROPSTYLE:BackColor, 2} = COLOR:White
?list{PROPSTYLE:TextSelected, 2} = COLOR:Red
?list{PROPSTYLE:BackSelected, 2} = COLOR:Yellow
?list{PROPSTYLE:Picture, 2} = '@n(13.2)'
?list{PROPLIST:ColStyle,1} = 1 !Column 1 uses the positive style
?list{PROPLIST:ColStyle,2} = 2 !Column 2 uses the negative style