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Navigation:  Language Reference > 7 - Reports > Report Structures >====== FOOTER (page or group footer structure) ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page


FOOTER Declares a page or group footer structure.
AT Specifies the size and location of the FOOTER (PROP:AT).
FONT Specifies the default font for all controls in this structure (PROP:FONT). If omitted, the REPORT's FONT attribute (if present) is used, or else the printer's default font is used.
ABSOLUTE Declares the FOOTER prints at a fixed position relative to the page (PROP:ABSOLUTE). Valid only on a FOOTER within a BREAK structure.
PAGEBEFORE Declares the FOOTER prints at the start of a new page, after activating normal page overflow actions (PROP:PAGEBEFORE). Valid only on a FOOTER within a BREAK structure.
PAGEAFTER Declares the FOOTER prints, and then starts a new page by activating normal page overflow actions (PROP:PAGEAFTER). Valid only on a FOOTER within a BREAK structure.
WITHPRIOR Declares the FOOTER prints on the same page as the DETAIL, group HEADER, or FOOTER that immediately precedes it during printing (PROP:WITHPRIOR). Valid only on a FOOTER within a BREAK structure.
WITHNEXT Declares the FOOTER prints on the same page as the DETAIL, group HEADER, or FOOTER that immediately follows it during printing (PROP:WITHNEXT). Valid only on a FOOTER within a BREAK structure.
ALONE Declares the (group) FOOTER structure must be printed on a page without FORM, (page) HEADER, or (page) FOOTER structures (PROP:ALONE).
USE A field equate label to reference the FOOTER structure in executable code (PROP:USE).
COLOR Specifies a background color for the FOOTER and the default background color for the controls in the FOOTER (PROP:COLOR).
TOGETHER Specifies that the DETAIL, or group HEADER or FOOTER structure (contained within a BREAK structure), is to only print on a single page, rather than being automatically split if there is not sufficient room for it (PROP:Together).
controls Report output control fields.

The FOOTER structure declares the output which prints at the end of each page or group. A FOOTER structure must be terminated with a period or END statement.

A FOOTER structure that is not within a BREAK structure is a page footer. Only one page FOOTER is allowed in a REPORT. The page FOOTER is automatically printed whenever a page break occurs, at the page-relative position specified by its AT attribute.

The BREAK structure defines a group break. It may contain its own HEADER, FOOTER, and DETAIL structures, and/or other nested BREAK structures. It may also contain multiple DETAIL structures. The HEADER and FOOTER structures that are within a BREAK structure are the group header and footer. They are automatically printed when the value in a specified group break variable changes, at the next position available in the detail print area (specified by the REPORT's AT attribute). Only one FOOTER is allowed in a BREAK structure.


CustRpt  REPORT        !Declare customer report

        FOOTER       !begin page FOOTER declaration

          !report controls

        END          !end FOOTER declaration  

Break1    BREAK(SomeVariable)

GroupDet   DETAIL  

           !report controls

          END         !end detail declaration  

          FOOTER      !begin group footer declaration

           !report controls

          END         !end footer declaration  

         END          !end group break declaration  

        END           !End report declaration

footer_page_or_group_footer_structure_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by