Navigation: Language Reference > 13 - Built-in Functions >====== FILEDIALOG (return chosen file) ====== | |
FILEDIALOG( [title] ,file [,extensions] [,flag] )
FILEDIALOG | Displays Windows standard file choice dialogs to allow the user to choose a file. |
title | A string constant or variable containing the title to place on the dialog. If omitted, Windows supplies a default. |
file | The label of the string variable to receive the selected filename(s). |
extensions | A string constant or variable containing the available file extension selections for the “List Files of Type” drop list. If omitted, the default is all files (*.*). |
flag | An integer constant or variable containing a bitmap to indicate the type of file action to perform. |
The FILEDIALOG procedure displays Windows standard file choice dialogs and returns the file chosen by the user in the file parameter. Any existing value in the file parameter sets the default file choice presented to the user in the file choice dialog.
FILEDIALOG displays either the standard Open… dialog or the standard Save… dialog. By default, on the Open… dialog, the user is warned if the file they choose does not exist and the file is not opened. On the Save… dialog, the user is warned if the file does exist and the file is not saved.
The extensions parameter string must contain a description followed by the file mask. All elements in the string must be delimited by the vertical bar (|) character. For example, the extensions string:
'All Files | *.* | Clarion Source | *.CLW;*.INC;*.EQU;*.INT | Clarion Templates|*.TPL;*.TPW'
defines three selections for the “List Files of Type” drop list. The first extension listed in the extensions string is the default. Multiple extensions are separated by a semicolon (;) character.
The flag parameter is a bitmap that indicates the type of file action to perform (see EQUATES.CLW for symbolic constants). For bit number:
0 | If Zero (0000b), the Open… dialog displays. Default if neither FILE:Save nor FILE:Directory are specified. | Default |
1 | If One (0001b), the Save… dialog displays. | FILE:Save |
2 | If Two (0010b), saves and restores the current directory path. | FILE:KeepDir |
4 | If Four (0100b), doesn't report errors if the file does exist on Save… or does not exist on Open…. | FILE:NoError |
8 | If Eight (1000b), returns multiple selections when the user selects multiple files. When using long filename dialog, it returns a vertical bar (Pipe 7Ch) delimited string of filenames (with the full path on the first selection returned, unless a single file is selected, where the path and file is returned on a single selection). The string is space-delimited when using short filename dialog. Not valid when used with File:Save or File:Directory. | FILE:Multi |
16 | If Sixteen (0001 0000b), uses long filename dialog in 32-bit programs. Default since C8. | FILE:LongName |
32 | If Thirty-Two (0010 0000b), displays a directory select dialog for selecting a directory path. | FILE:Directory |
64 | If Sixty-Four (0100 0000b), and the specified and typed file name does not exist, the dialog displays a prompt to create a new file with the given name. If the user chooses to create the file, the FILEDIALOG function completes and returns the typed file name; otherwise the dialog remains open. This flag can't be combined with the FILE:Directory flag. | FILE:CreatePrompt |
128 | If One-Hundred Twenty Eight (1000 0000b), and the specified file name is typed without an extension, the default extension is appended. The default extension is the one used in the first mask for the first filter pair. If there are meta-characters (* or ?) in the default extension, the flag is ignored. The flag is also ignored if either or both of the FILE:Multi and FILE:Directory flags are used. To type in the file name without an extension if the FILE:AddExtension is specified, the file name must be enclosed in quotes (i.e., “myfile”). Due to a Windows restriction, if the default extension is longer than 3 characters, only the first 3 characters are appending to the file name. | FILE:AddExtension |
The following is a comprehensive sample of these flags simplified to equates (see EQUATES.CLW for the complete list):
FILE:Save | EQUATE(1) |
FILE:KeepDir | EQUATE(2) |
FILE:NoError | EQUATE(4) |
FILE:Multi | EQUATE(8) |
FILE:LongName | EQUATE(10H) |
FILE:Directory | EQUATE(20H) |
FILE:CreatePrompt | EQUATE(40H) |
FILE:AddExtension | EQUATE(80H) |
FILEDIALOG returns zero (0) if the user pressed the Cancel button, or one (1) if the user pressed the Ok button on the file choice dialog. If the user changes directories using the file dialog, your application's current directory also changes (unless you set FILE:KeepDir). This is a feature of the Windows operating system. If you do not want users to change your application's current directory but do want them to be able look in other directories, either save the current directory with the PATH() procedure before calling FILEDIALOG then restore it with the SETPATH() statement, or set FILE:KeepDir.
Return Data Type: | BOOL |
ViewTextFile PROCEDURE ViewQue QUEUE !LIST control display queue STRING(255) END FileName STRING(64),STATIC !Filename variable ViewFile FILE,DRIVER('ASCII'),NAME(FileName),PRE(Vew) Record RECORD STRING(255) END END MDIChild1 WINDOW('View Text File'),AT(0,0,320,200),MDI,SYSTEM,HVSCROLL LIST,AT(0,0,320,200),USE(?L1),FROM(ViewQue),HVSCROLL END CODE IF NOT FILEDIALOG('Choose File to View',FileName,'Text|*.TXT|Source|*.CLW',FILE:LongName) RETURN !Return if no file chosen END OPEN(ViewFile) !Open the file IF ERRORCODE() THEN RETURN END!aborting on any error SET(ViewFile) !Start at top of file LOOP NEXT(ViewFile) !Reading each line of text IF ERRORCODE() THEN BREAK END !Break loop at end of file ViewQue = Vew:Record !Assign text to queue ADD(ViewQue) !and add a queue entry END CLOSE(ViewFile) !Close the file OPEN(MDIChild1) !and open the window ACCEPT !Allow the user to read the text and END !break out of ACCEPT loop only from !system menu close option FREE(ViewQue) !Free the queue memory RETURN !and return to caller !************************************************************ !This example shows using FILEDIALOG for multi-file selection: SelectFiles PROCEDURE(SelectFileQueue DFQ) Found CSTRING(10000),AUTO Path CSTRING(File:MaxFilePath),AUTO Separator STRING(1),AUTO Pos UNSIGNED,AUTO NameStart UNSIGNED,AUTO CODE Found=SELF.DefaultFile IF FILEDIALOG('Pick 1 or more files',Found, | 'All Files | *.* | Clarion Source | *.CLW;*.INC;*.EQU;*.INT|Clarion Templates|*.TPL;*.TPW',| FILE:KeepDir+FILE:Multi+FILE:LongName) Separator='|' Pos=INSTRING(Separator,Found,1,1) IF Pos !Multi-Selected files ASSERT(Pos > 1) Path = CHOOSE(Found[Pos-1] <> '\', Found[1 : Pos-1]&'\', Found[1 : Pos-1]) LOOP NameStart = Pos+1 Pos = INSTRING(Separator,Found,1,NameStart) IF ~Pos THEN Pos=LEN(Found)+1. DFQ.Name = Path&Found[NameStart : Pos-1] ADD(DFQ) WHILE Pos<=LEN(Found) ELSE DFQ.Name=Found !Single file only selected ADD(DFQ) END END !************************************************************ !This example shows using FILEDIALOG for multi-file selection: FILEDIALOG('Test', FileName, 'Text files|*.txt|All files|*.*', | FILE:LongName + FILE:NoError + FILE:AddExtension) !If the user types AAA and pressed the Open button, the returned file !name is '<current directory>\AAA.txt'; if the user typed "AAA", !result is '<current directory>\AAA'
See Also: