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Navigation:  Clarion.Net (Clarion#) > Clarion# Language Extensions > Clarion# and COM >====== Exposing Clarion# components to COM ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

Requirements to expose a Clarion .NET component to COM:

·Classes should implement interfaces explicitly.

·Managed types must be marked as public.

·Methods, properties, fields, and events must be marked as public.

·Types must have a public default constructor to be activated from COM.

Also, the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK contains special tools to support exposing any .NET components to COM:

·Type Library Exporter (Tlbexp.exe) - generates a type library that describes the types defined in a common language runtime assembly.

·Assembly Registration Tool (Regasm.exe) - reads the metadata within an assembly and adds the necessary entries to the registry, which allows COM clients to create .NET Framework classes transparently. Once a class is registered, any COM client can use it as though the class were a COM class.

exposing_clarion_components_to_com.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by