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Clarion 10 adds an exception log viewer to the IDE.  There are two ways to access the log viewer: opening a file in the format exception??????-??????.log; or you can use Tools/Open Exception Log Viewer.

The exception log viewer will read the map files created when you built your project and use these to turn the stack trace in the exception log into a list of procedures.  If you had line numbers turned on when you built the project the exception viewer will be able to display which line of code matches each line in the stack trace.  Double clicking on a procedure will take you to the source code. To turn on line numbers go to Project Properties and choose the “Compiling” tab.

The exception log viewer also displays the other information in the log file in various formats: hex, decimal or string.  This allows you to easily look at the memory dump in the log and see if there is any interesting text or values.

If you do not use the standard exception handler, but have replaced the handler with your own handler that logs multiple exceptions to one file, the exception viewer will separate out each exception and display each on a separate tab.

With the Tools/Options/Clarion/Exception Log Viewer page you can customize the file name used to decide if a file should be loaded into the exception log viewer and also how multiple exceptions are separated in your log file.

If you load an exception log (crash log) into the IDE it parses the log file matching up the call stack with the map files and presenting you with a graphical view of the exception where you can double click on a line in the call stack and have the appropriate source code file loaded into the editor.  You can also switch from hex, to decimal, to text views of the stack dump.


Exception Log Viewer Options

In Tools/Options/Clarion you can set the file pattern as well as edit the list of ignored dlls and also the line pattern for setting up the tab names.





exception_log_viewer.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by