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Navigation:  ABC Library Reference > ErrorClass > ErrorClass Overview >====== ErrorClass Macro Expansion ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

The following ErrorClass methods allow runtime customization of error message text through expansion of macro symbols:

SetField Names the field that produced the error.
SetFile Names the file that produced the error.
ThrowFile Names the file that produced the error, then handles the error.
ThrowMessage Modifies error text, then handles the error.

Each error has associated message text. The error message text may contain macro symbols recognized by the ErrorClass object. The ErrorClass object expands these macro symbols to their current runtime values before displaying the message. Supported macros and their runtime substitution values are:

%File The ErrorClass.FileName property
%Field The ErrorClass.FieldName property
%Message The ErrorClass.MessageText property
%Error Value returned by ERROR()
%ErrorCode Value returned by ERRORCODE()
%FileError Value returned by FILEERROR()
%FileErrorCode Value returned by FILEERRORCODE()
%ErrorText %Error(%ErrorCode) or %FileError(%FileErrorCode)
%Previous Text from prior defined error with the same id

The %ErrorText macro uses %FileError(%FileErrorCode)–the more specific backend server error information–when it is available, otherwise it uses %Error(%ErrorCode).

This macro expansion capability is a feature of the ErrorClass and is not a feature of the Clarion language in general.


You do not need to specify two percent signs (%%) to display a percent sign (%) in your message text.

errorclass_macro_expansion.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by