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The Text (Source) Editor is a full function programmer's editor featuring Multiple Document Interface support, auto-indent, search-and-replace, and color-coded syntax highlighting.

Click here to jump to the Text Editor Configuration Options.

Related Topics: Redirection File


Use the floating Fields toolbox to insert fully qualified variable and field names at the insertion point!.


You can also get help for a keyword within a document window by placing the insertion point on the keyword, and pressing the F1 key. This lets you quickly look up help for a Clarion language statement, function or attribute.

Note that some of the IDE menu commands, most notably on the Project and Tools menus, do not specifically reference Text Editor functions. Because the Project System and the Registries are always active, their menu commands are always available.

Popup (right-click) Menu

The popup menu provides quick and easy access to a subset of the Edit menu commands.

If you right-click inside any opened document, the following ooptions are available:

Format Open a submenu of common formatting options, including case toggle, commenting, comment regions, indentation, etc.
Cut Deletes the selected text from the document and places it in the clipboard.
Copy Places a copy of the selected text from the document into the clipboard.
Paste Pastes text from the clipboard into the active document, at the insertion point.
Delete Becomes active when anything is selected, and deletes the selection.
Save Saves the active source code document.
Save As Saves the active source code document under a new name which you specify.
Close Closes the active source code document.
File Mode Toggle the editor's highlighting options, if desired.
File Options Opens a subset dialog of the Text Editor configuration options.


In addition, in the new text editor interface there is support for multiple documents that can be navigated via the tab controls. Right-clicking on any of these tabs opens a slightly different pop-up menu:

Close Closes the active source code document.
Close All Documents Closes all opened documents.
Close all but this Closes all opened documents except for the one currently selected.
Save Saves the active source code document.
Save As Allows you to save the active source code document to a new name.
Save All (Ctrl + Shift + S) The term “buffers” refers to all opened documents. Selecting this item saves all opened documents.
Copy file/path name This selection copied the full path and name of the active document to the Windows clipboard.
Open Containing Folder Open's the IDE file dialog window with the folder in which the active document is located.

When a file with an extension of TPL or TPW is detected, the Template Editor is activated, and these additional items are also available:

Search SymbolSearch Symbol Declaration You can now search for all occurences of a givel template symbol, or where it is originally declared. Simply position your cursor over the target symbol, right-click, and select one of 6 options. You can search the current file, the current buffer, or all files in the current redirection path
edt0.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:46 by