Navigation: Language Reference > 9 - Window and Report Attributes > Window and Report Attributes >====== DROP (set list box behavior) ====== | |
DROP( count [, width ] )
DROP | Specifies the list appears only when the user presses an arrow cursor key or clicks on the drop icon. |
count | An integer constant that specifies the number of elements displayed. |
width | An integer constant that specifies the width of the dropped list, in dialog units (PROP:DropWidth, equivalent to {PROP:DROP,2}). |
The DROP attribute (PROP:DROP) specifies that the selection list appears only when the user presses an arrow cursor key or clicks on the drop icon to the right of the currently selected value display. Once it drops into view, the list displays count number of elements. If the DROP attribute is omitted, the LIST or COMBO control always displays the number of data items specified by the height parameter of the control's AT attribute in the selection list.
The DROP attribute does not work on a WINDOW with the MODAL attribute and should not be used.
You can assign the name of another icon to the control's PROP:Icon property to override the default down-arrow drop icon.
WinOne WINDOW,AT(0,0,160,400)
?C7{PROP:Icon} = 'MyDrop.ICO' !Change the drop icon on the COMBO control