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Navigation:  Language Reference > 13 - Built-in Functions >====== DECOMPRESS (decompress data from source buffer) ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

DECOMPRESS (*STRING destBuf, *STRING srcBuf, <;*SIGNED result>)

If decompression is successful the result parameter is set to the number

of bytes written to the destination buffer. If an error occurs then the result is set to

a negative error code.


Decompresses data from the source buffer to the destination buffer.

is successful, Compress allocates an output buffer, and returns it. The program is

responsible for disposing this buffer after usage. 

destBuf Buffer to write the decompressed data
srcBuf Buffer containing the data to decompress
result If decompression is successful, the result is set to the number of bytes written to the destination buffer. If there is an error the variable is set to a negative error code

Errors Posted:

-2 stream error
-3 Compressed data is corrupt
-4 Insufficient memory
-5 Destination buffer (for Decompress), or temporary buffer (for Compress) has insufficient size



See Also:


decompress.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by