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DDEWRITE( channel, mode, item [, variable ] )


DDEWRITE Provide data to an open DDE server channel.
channel A LONG integer constant or variable containing the server channel–the value returned by the DDESERVER procedure.
mode An integer constant or variable containing the interval (in seconds) to poll for changes to the variable, or an EQUATE defining the type of data link: DDE:auto, DDE:manual, or DDE:remove (defined in EQUATES.CLW).
item A string constant or variable containing the application-specific name of the data item to provide.
variable The name of the variable providing the data. If omitted and mode is DDE:remove, all links to the item are canceled.

The DDEWRITE procedure allows a DDE server program to provide the variable's data to the client. The item parameter supplies a string value that identifies the specific data item being provided. The format and structure of the item string is dependent upon the server application. The type of update performed is determined by the mode parameter.

If the mode is DDE:auto, the client program receives the current value of the variable and the internal libraries continue to provide that value whenever the client (or any other client) asks for it again. If the client requested a “hot” link, any changes to the variable should be tracked by the Clarion program so it can issue a new DDEWRITE statement to update the client with the new value.

If the mode is DDE:manual, the variable is updated only once. If the client requested a “hot” link, any changes to the variable should be tracked by the Clarion program so it can issue a new DDEWRITE statement to update the client with the new value. PROP:DDETimeOut can be used to set or get the time out value for the DDE connection (default is five seconds).

If the mode is a positive integer, the internal libraries check the value of the variable whenever the specified number of seconds has passed. If the value has changed, the client is automatically updated with the new value by the internal libraries (without the need for any further Clarion code). This can incur significant overhead, depending upon the data, and so should be used only when necessary.

If the mode is DDE:remove, any previous “hot” link to the variable is terminated. If the mode is DDE:remove and variable is omitted, all previous “hot” links to the item are terminated, no matter what variables were linked. This means the client must send another DDEREAD request to the server to check for any changed value.

Errors Posted:

601 Invalid DDE Channel
602 DDE Channel Not Open
605 Time Out

Events Generated:

EVENT:DDErequest A client has requested a data item (a “cold” link).
EVENT:DDEadvise A client has requested continuous updates of a data item (a “hot” link).



WinOne     WINDOW,AT(0,0,160,400)



MyServer   LONG



MyServer = DDESERVER('MyApp','DataEntered')   !Open as server



 OF EVENT:DDErequest                          !As server for data requested once

  DDEWRITE(MyServer,DDE:manual,'DataEntered',DDERetVal)   !Provide data once

 OF EVENT:DDEadvise                           !As server for constant update request


                                              !Check for change every 15 seconds

                                              !and provide data whenever changed



See Also:




ddewrite_provide_data_to_dde_client_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by