Navigation: Language Reference > App A - DDE, OLE, and OCX > DDE Procedures >====== DDEEXECUTE (send command to DDE server) ====== | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
DDEEXECUTE( channel, command )
DDEEXECUTE | Sends a command string to an open DDE client channel. |
channel | A LONG integer constant or variable containing the client channel–the value returned by the DDECLIENT procedure. |
command | A string constant or variable containing the application-specific command for the server to execute. |
The DDEEXECUTE procedure allows a DDE client program to communicate a command to the server. The command must be in a format the server application can recognize and act on. The server does not need to be a Clarion program. By convention, the entire command string is normally contained within square brackets ( [ ] ).
A Clarion DDE server can use the DDEVALUE() procedure to determine what command the client has sent.The CYCLE statement after an EVENT:DDEexecute signals positive acknowledgement to the client that sent the command. DDEACKNOWLEDGE can send either positive or negative acknowledgement.
Errors Posted:
601 | Invalid DDE Channel |
602 | DDE Channel Not Open |
603 | DDEEXECUTE Failed |
605 | Time Out |
Events Generated:
EVENT:DDEexecute A client has sent a command.
!The client application's code contains:
WinOne WINDOW,AT(0,0,160,400)
SomeServer LONG
!Open a channel to Windows Program Manager:
!Create a new program group:
DDEEXECUTE(DDEChannel,'[CreateGroup(Clarion Applications)]')
!Display it:
!Create new item in the group using second icon in progman.exe
See Also: