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The text for the menus (and other messages) in the Clarion IDE are stored in resource (.resources) files. The system loads different resource files depending on which language the IDE is configured for.

For example, French resource files ending in .fr.resources are used. If no .fr.resources file is found, then the system falls back to the default .resources file.

Some of these default .resources files ship as stand alone files, some are built into the IDE DLLs. You can look in data\resources\languages\LanguageDefinition.xml for a list of the language codes that are currently supported by the IDE. You can also add languages to the IDE via this file.

You should not edit the default .resources files. Instead you should create a .fr.resources file. This should be placed in the same folder as the existing .resources file. If there is no .resources file for a DLL, then you need to place the .fr.resources file in the Resources folder below where that DLL resides.

To see if a DLL has a built in .resources file you can use Red Gate's .NET Reflector, and load the DLL (assembly) into that tool and look in the Resources folder. Clicking on the .resources in the assembly then shows the details of the strings.

For example, if you load the Clarion.Core.dll into .NET Reflector you will see that there is a resource called Clarion.Core.Resources.Clarion.Core.resources. The Clarion.Core.Resources at the beginning is a prefix and there is no obvious way for you to know it is a prefix. You need to create a .resources file without the prefix. What you will need to do is create (in the bin\Resources folder) the file. In there, you need to add strings with names listed in Clarion.Core.Resources.Clarion.Core.resources and values set to what you want. You can create and edit .resources files using the Clarion# IDE or the base SharpDevelop IDE.

customizing_the_ide_menu_text.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by