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AdRotator (Graphics display)

Randomly select and display images (usually advertisement banners) Must be placed within a Form or Panel control, or inside a control's template on a mobile Web page.

Calendar (Date setting)

Presents users with a calendar. It also offers date-picking functionality. A Calendar control must be placed within a Form or Panel control, or inside a control's template on a mobile Web page.

Command (Commands)

The appearance of the Command control varies depending on its property settings and the type of device in which it is being rendered. It can appear as a button, image, link, or softkey. A softkey is a programmable button available on many cell phones.

Image (Graphics display)

Specify an image to display. Image controls must be placed within a Form or Panel control, or inside a control's template on a mobile Web page.

Label (Read-Only Text display)

Displays text that the user cannot edit. If you want to display text that the user can edit, use the TextBox control.

Link (Commands)

Displays text that serves as a hyperlink. The hyperlink can lead to another form on the same ASP.NET mobile Web page or to any other URL. For devices that support softkeys (a programmable button available on many cell phones), you can also specify text for softkey captions. If you want to create an image that is also a link, use an Image control.

PhoneCall (Phone operations)

Enables your application to place calls for the user. A PhoneCall control must be placed within a Form or Panel control, or inside a control's template on a mobile ASP.NET Web page.

TextBox (Text edit)

Enable users to enter a string. The TextBox control can mask input for passwords if the user's device supports it. A TextBox control must be placed within a Form or Panel control, or inside a control's template on a ASP.NET mobile Web page. You can also drag it onto a mobile user control.

TextView (Text editing)

Display large quantities of text. In this control, you can style text to appear with normal, bold, and italic formatting and to include line breaks, paragraph markers, and hyperlinks. A TextView control must be placed onto a Form or Panel control, or inside a control's template on a mobile Web page. You can also drag it onto a mobile user control page.

compact_framework_controls_by_name.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by