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Navigation:  Advanced Topics >====== ClarionCL.exe ============ (Command Line Interface to the Clarion IDE) ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

The ClarionCL executable (found in the BIN dir) allows you to execute some IDE tasks from the command line without the need to start the Clarion IDE.

The syntax for ClarionCL usage is as follows:

ClarionCL [switch [parameter [parameter [']]][switch [parameter [parameter [']]] [']]

For example:

!Generates all APPs in the Solution

D:\Examples\IPDriver\People>C:\Clarion\bin\CLARIONCL -ag people.sln

ClarionCL can process either individual .APP files, or if you pass it a Solution file all APPs in the Solution are processed.

You can then use MSBUILD to comple the generated code.


Switch Formats

Valid switch formats are as follows:


Example: C:\Clarion\BIN\clarionCL /?


Example: C:\Clarion\BIN\clarionCL -?


Example: C:\Clarion\BIN\clarionCL –?

Valid Switches:

Id Parameters Description
ag Application or solution file name Generates the passed application, or all applications in the passed solution (*.SLN) file. (Enterprise Edition Only)
agc ON or OFF Conditionally Generate Application:If the parameter is ON then conditional generation is on. If the parameter is OFF then conditional generation is off. If this switch is not set, then conditional generation is controlled by the Application Options settings set in the IDE.(Enterprise Edition Only)
agd ON or OFF Generate #DEBUG statements:If the parameter is ON then debug generation is on. If the parameter is OFF then debug generation is off. If this switch is not set, then debug generation is controlled by the Application Options settings set in the IDE.(Enterprise Edition Only)
aru <;application> <;name><;optionalParameters> Run a utility template:Supplying the name of the application the utility template is run against, plus the name of the utility template.ClarionCL -aru C:\C7Examples\people\ MyUtilityNOTE: This switch should only be used with utility templates that require no user input (e.g., are auto-generating).Optional parameters may be passed as defined in the addin file. See Customizing the Command Line Interface (ClarionCL.EXE)Regarding the utility template, use the %UtilityArguments symbol to add parameters to the Utility template.Parameter values need to be enclosed in parenthesisExample:C:\C7\bin\ClarionCL /win /aru C:\XMLparse\ ExportApp(TemplateUtility) paramone(firstvalue),paramtwo(anothervalue)
dx <;dictionary> <;textfile> Exports the dictionary to the textfile. If no extension is given for the textfile .dctx is assumed. If the textfile already exists, it will be overwritten.
di <;dictionary> <;textfile> Creates a dictionary from a textfile (either dctx or txd). If the dictionary already exists it will be overwritten. If no extension is given for the textfile, then .dctx is assumed.
fr <;Driver DLL> Registers a file driver.ClarionCL -Fr ClaMEM.dll
rf file Find the passed file using the redirection system
rs Redirection Section Activate the passed Section in the redirection file.  You only need to specify this switch if your redirection file uses a Section other than [Common] to specify location of generated files
rt Traces the folders searched for the supplied filename.For example:ClarionCL -rt defaults.clw
tl Displays a list of all registered templates
tr <;template file> Attempts to register the template file passed as the parameter. The redirection file will be used to find the template file if the file name is supplied without a full path.For example, to register the ADO templates for ABC provide the name of the template file:ClarionCL -tr \Clarion\template\win\abado.tplThe -tr switch uses the redirection (*.red) file, so you do not have to supply the full path if the template file can be found using the redirection system:ClarionCL -tr abado.tpl
tu <;classname> Attempts to unregister the template class passed as the parameter.For example, to unregister the ADO templates from both ABC and Clarion chains provide the template classname:ClarionCL -tu ABC_ADOClarionCL -tu Clarion_ADO
v <;versionName> Specify which version of Clarion to use. VersionName should be enclosed in double quotes as shown below.ClarionCL will use the Current version of Clarion when generating applications or registering templates.For example to register the ADO templates in Clarion 6 you would write:ClarionCL -tr abado.tpl -v “Clarion 6.0 Enterprise Edition”
win If both Clarion for Windows and Clarion.NET are installed, ClarionCL will use by default the Clarion.NET redirection file to find files. Use the /win switch to make ClarionCL use the Clarion for Windows redirection file.
ai <;application><;TXA name> Import the TXA file (parameter 2) into .APP file (parameter 1)
ax <;application><;TXA name> Export the .APP file (parameter 1) into the TXA file (parameter 2)
? Display a list of all switches supported by ClarionCL


The id is case insensitive!

Usage Notes and Examples

1.Running ClarionCL without any parameters is equivalent to:

ClarionCL /?

2.Passing an invalid switch will cause ClarionCL to behave as though ClarionCL /? was called.


ClarionCL 'tr mytemplate.tpl

Attempts to register mytemplate.tpl

ClarionCL 'tu mytemplate.tpl

Attempts to unregister mytemplate.tpl

Exit Code

ClarionCL will return an exit code of 0 if no errors occurred. Otherwise the exit code is set to the total number of errors that occurred during the run.

Error Codes

Error Code Description
CLCE001 An Unhandled Exception was thrown
CLCE002 There were no switches registered via any .addin file
CLCE003 Invalid parameters for the method
CLCE004 Not enough parameters where supplied to run the command. The switch is ignored
CLCE005 Unknown switch
CLCE006 The version supplied in the /v switch is not in the list of registered Clarion versions
DCTE001 The file could not be accessed
DCTE002 Cannot delete destination file
DCTE003 Cannot create destination file
DCTE004 Cannot import text
DRVE001 Cannot register the file driver
GENE100 Invalid File Name passed to the /ag switch

Warning Codes

Error Code Description
CLCW001 A duplicate switch was passed, but the switch can only appear once. Only the first occurrence of the switch is processed
CLCW002 Too many parameters were supplied for the command. All extra parameters are ignored
CLCW003 The first parameter to ClarionCL does not begin with / or -
CLCW004 The command line switch specified in the “runbefore” attribute does not exist
GENW001 The parameter must be 'on' or 'off'. The switch was ignored.

See also: Customizing the Command Line Interface (ClarionCL.EXE)

clarioncl_exe.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by