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Application Generator

Q. When I do a “Generate All” I see the following errors:

ASSERT: %FixClassName: Cannot find class RelationManager

ASSERT: %FixClassName: Cannot find class ViewManager

ASSERT: %FixClassName: Cannot find class FileManager

A. That implies the system is having trouble finding the ABC classes.

Look in Tools→Options→Clarion→Clarion for Windows→Versions

The Directories scanned for ABC Classes dialog lists the directories that the ABC Class reader looks in to find ABC compliant classes. In previous versions of Clarion, the ABC reader only read the install LIBSRC directory. In Clarion Win32, the reader supports multiple directories, but not via the redirection file.

Q. I am getting the following error when trying to Build an application.

Error(3): cif$filopen.CLW The system cannot find the path specified

A. You have probably not Generated source yet. Press CTRL + M to Generate and Make(Build) the application.

Q. I have opened my C6 application into the C7 IDE, and now many of my reports are marked with a new “yellow” icon and I cannot build my application. What's wrong?

A.. Some of the shipping C6 Report Date and Time templates contained incorrect equate references, and will need to be corrected in your C7 application prior to building. Please see the following help topic for more detailed information:

Resolving Conversion Issues from C6 to C7 Applications

In addition, you can sometimes see this condition on new windows if you had entered an invalid attribute or text. An common example of this is adding a space to a USE attribute.

These errors need to be corrected in the Window Editor. On the Properties tab, press the ellipsis button to enter the Editor. You should see the errors clearly marked, and the number after the ERROR text marks the precise column position where the window component has the problem. After correcting the window errors, save the structure, and the Window button should now be enabled.

Q. When building (compiling) an application, I see a strange error as follows:

CreateFileMapping failed :EXP_PRI.ICOGetLastError

How can I resolve this?

A. As reported on our newsgroups by Oscar Davila, this is an intermittent error.

I meticulously went through all the processes that were running on my system until I identified the culprit. It was The ATI Catalyst Control Center (CCC.exe). Anyone who has an ATI Adapter may be running this service which will cause the error.

Removing this service will solve the intermittent build issue.

Q. I want to work with earlier versions of Clarion in the Clarion Win32 IDE. How do I get started?

A.. Please see the following topic:

Multiple Version Support

An additional FAQ regarding this topic is in the works.

Windows 7

Q. When exiting an edit of an embed or changing a Browse or Update procedure, the system freezes while it is saving the change. The time taken between the exit from the change until the project becomes available is taking over two minutes.

A. The problem was a strange permission in Windows 7 that I did not even consider. The real problem was a permission switch in W7. I don't know which one so I simply switched everything to FULL and the problem was solved.

clarion_7_troubleshooting.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by