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Navigation:  »No topics above this level«====== Query by Example Dialog ====== Return to chapter overview

This dialog allows you to locate a record, or filter the target data file and then display only the records that meet the criteria you specify by entering example values or expressions in this dialog.

This dialog is divided into two tab controls.

The Find dialog allows you to locate the first matching record, based on a simple “field = value” query.

In the Field prompt, select a column from the drop list. Enter a valid search criteria in the Value entry. The value to search for must be an exact match. String values should not be quoted.


The Filter dialog allows a more varied search. You can have the IDE guide you to construct the proper search criteria, or check the Free form check box to enter your own search expression.

Some rules when using the Free form style:

1.If the file has a prefix the Filter expression requires the use of [ ] as in [prefix:fieldname]

2.String values on the right hand side of the expression must be enclosed in single quotes.

3.LIKE can use either % or * for a wildcard at front or back of the value:

e.g., LIKE '%test', LIKE '*test', LIKE '%est%'

4.The IN operator takes a list of values enclosed in parentheses:

e.g., LastName IN ('Bagley','Cade'), Zipcode IN (33062, 33358)

Press the OK button to execute the query and display the filtered records in the view window.

brw6.htm.txt · Last modified: 2019/11/13 16:57 by