Navigation: Language Reference > 13 - Built-in Functions >====== BOR (return bitwise OR) ====== | |
BOR | Performs bitwise OR operation. |
Value | A numeric constant, variable, or expression for the bit value to be compared to the bit mask. The value is converted to a LONG data type prior to the operation, if necessary. |
Mask | A numeric constant, variable, or expression for the bit mask. The mask is converted to a LONG data type prior to the operation, if necessary. |
The BOR procedure compares the value to the mask, performing a Boolean OR operation on each bit. The return value is a LONG integer with a one (1) in the bit positions where the value, or the mask, or both, contain a one (1), and zeroes in all other bit positions.
BOR is usually used to unconditionally turn on (set to one), an individual bit, or multiple bits, within a variable.
Return Data Type: | LONG |
!BOR(0110b,0010b) returns 0110b !0110b = 6, 0010b = 2
RateType BYTE !Type of rate
Female EQUATE(0001b) !Female mask
Male EQUATE(0010b) !Male mask
Over25 EQUATE(0100b) !Over age 25 mask
RateType = BOR(RateType,Over25) !Turn on over 25 bit
RateType = BOR(RateType,Male) !Set rate to male
See Also: