Navigation: Language Reference > 13 - Built-in Functions >====== BEEP (sound tone on speaker) ====== | |
BEEP( [sound] )
BEEP | Generates a sound through the system speaker. |
sound | A numeric constant, variable, expression, or EQUATE for the Windows sound to issue. |
The BEEP statement generates a sound through the system speaker. These are standard Windows sounds available through the [sounds] section of the WIN.INI file. Standard EQUATE values similar to these are listed in the EQUATES.CLW file:
BEEP:SystemDefault | |
BEEP:SystemHand | |
BEEP:SystemQuestion | |
BEEP:SystemExclamation | |
BEEP:SystemAsterisk |
IF ERRORCODE() !If unexpected error
BEEP(BEEP:SystemDefault) !sound a standard beep
STOP(ERROR()) !stop for the error
beep_sound_tone_on_speaker_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:56 by