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As an aid to understanding the ASCIIViewerClass, it is useful to organize the its methods into two large categories according to their expected use–the primary interface and the virtual methods. This organization reflects what we believe is typical use of the ASCIIViewerClass methods.

Non-Virtual Methods

The Non-Virtual Methods, which you are likely to call fairly routinely from your program, can be further divided into three categories:

Housekeeping (one-time) Use:

Init initialize the ASCIIViewerClass object
Kill shut down the ASCIIViewerClass object

Mainstream Use:

AskGotoLine go to user specified line
DisplayPage display new page
PageDown scroll down one page
PageUp scroll up one page
TakeEvent process ACCEPT loop event

Occasional Use:

AddItem add printer or searcher object
GetFilename(i) return the filename
GetLastLineNo(i) return last line number
GetLine(i) return line of text
GetPercentile(i) convert file position to percentage
Reset reset the ASCIIViewerClass object
SetPercentile(i) convert percentage to file position
SetLine(v) position to specific line
SetLineRelative move N lines

(i)These methods are inherited from the ASCIIFileClass.

(v) These methods are also virtual.

Virtual Methods

Typically you will not call these methods directly–the Non-Virtual Methods call them. However, we anticipate you will often want to override these methods, and because they are virtual, they are very easy to override. These methods do provide reasonable default behavior in case you do not want to override them.

FormatLine format text
SetLine position to specific line
ValidateLine implement a filter

These methods are inherited from the ASCIIFileClass.

asciiviewerclass_functional_organization_expected_use.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:56 by