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#APPLICATION( description ) [, HLP( helpid ) ] [ APPLICATION( [ child(chain) ]


#APPLICATION Begins source generation control section.
description A string constant describing the application section.
HLP Specifies on-line help is available.
helpid A string constant containing the identifier to access the Help system. This may be either a Help keyword or “context string.”
APPLICATION Tells the Application Generator to automatically place the named) child template on every procedure.
child(chain) The name of a #EXTENSION with the PROCEDURE attribute to automatically populate into every generated procedure when the #EXTENSION with the APPLICATION attribute is populated.

The #APPLICATION statement marks the beginning of a source generation control section. The section is terminated by the next Template Code Section (#PROGRAM, #MODULE, #PROCEDURE, #CONTROL, #CODE, #EXTENSION, #UTILITY, or #GROUP) statement. The Template statements contained in this section control the source generation process. Only one #APPLICATION section is allowed in a single Template set. Actual source generation is done by the #GENERATE statement.

Any User-defined symbols defined in the #APPLICATION section are available for use in any Template Code Section that is generated. Any prompts in this section are placed on the Global Properties window and have global scope.


#APPLICATION('Example Application Section')       #!Generate entire application

#PROMPT('Enable &Shared Files',CHECK),%SharedFiles

#PROMPT('Close Unused &Files',CHECK),%CloseFiles,DEFAULT(1)

#BUTTON('.INI File Settings')

 #PROMPT('Use .INI file',CHECK),%INIActive,DEFAULT(1)


   #PROMPT('.INI File to use',DROP,'Program Name.INI|Other'),%INIFile


     #PROMPT('File Name',@S40),%ININame


   #PROMPT('Save Window Locations',CHECK),%INISaveWindow,DEFAULT(1)




#!Global Template Declarations.

#MESSAGE('Generating ' & %Application,0) #! Open the Message Box

#DECLARE(%FilesUsed),UNIQUE,MULTI                 #! Label of every file used

#DECLARE(%FilePut,%FilesUsed)                     #! “Yes” for RI PUT used

#DECLARE(%FileDelete,%FilesUsed)                  #! “Yes” for RI DELETE used

#DECLARE(%ModuleFilesUsed,%Module),UNIQUE,MULTI,SAVE  #!Name of file used in module

#DECLARE(%ModuleFilePut,%ModuleFilesUsed),SAVE    #! “Yes” for RI PUT used

#DECLARE(%ModuleFileDelete,%ModuleFilesUsed),SAVE #! “Yes” for RI DELETE used

#DECLARE(%IniFileName)                            #! Used to construct INI file

#DECLARE(%ModuleProcs,%Module),MULTI,SAVE,UNIQUE  #! Program MAP prototype

#DECLARE(%ModulePrototype,%ModuleProcs)           #! Module MAP prototype

#DECLARE(%AccessMode)                             #! File open mode equate

#DECLARE(%BuildFile)                              #! Construction filename


#!Initialization Code for Global User-defined Symbols.

#IF(%SharedFiles)                                 #! IF Shared Files Enabled

 #SET(%AccessMode,'42h')                         #! default access 'shared'

#ELSE                                             #! ELSE (IF NOT Shared Files ..)

 #SET(%AccessMode,'22h')                         #! default access 'open'

#ENDIF                                            #! END (IF Shared Files …)

#IF(%INIFile = 'Program Name.INI')                #! IF using program.ini

 #SET(%INIFileName, %Application & '.INI')       #! SET the file name

#ELSE                                             #! ELSE (IF NOT using Program.ini)

 #SET(%INIFileName,%ININame)                     #! SET the file name

#ENDIF                                            #! END (IF using program.ini)


#! Main Source Code Generation Loop.

#DECLARE(%GlobalRegenerate)                       #! Flag that controls generation

#IF(~%ConditionalGenerate OR %DictionaryChanged OR %RegistryChanged)

 #SET(%GlobalRegenerate,%True)                   #! Generate Everything

#ELSE                                             #! ELSE (If no global change)

 #SET(%GlobalRegenerate,%False)                  #! Generate changed modules only

#ENDIF                                            #! END (IF Global Change)

#SET(%BuildFile,(%Application & '.TM$'))          #! Make temp program filename

#FOR(%Module), WHERE (%Module <;> %Program)        #! For all member modules

 #MESSAGE('Generating Module:    ' &amp; %Module, 1) #! Post generation message

 #IF(%ModuleChanged OR %GlobalRegenerate)        #! IF module to be generated

   #FREE(%ModuleProcs)                           #! Clear module prototypes

   #FREE(%ModuleFilesUsed)                       #! Clear files used

   #CREATE(%BuildFile)                           #! Create temp module file

   #FOR(%ModuleProcedure)                        #! FOR all procs in module

     #FIX(%Procedure,%ModuleProcedure)           #! Fix current procedure

     #MESSAGE('Generating Procedure: ' &amp; %Procedure, 2) #! Post generation message

     #GENERATE(%Procedure)                       #! Generate procedure code

   #ENDFOR                                       #! END (For all procs in module)

   #CLOSE(%BuildFile)                            #! Close last temp file

   #CREATE(%Module)                              #! Create a module file

   #GENERATE(%Module)                            #! Generate module header

   #APPEND(%BuildFile)                           #! Append the temp mod file

   #CLOSE(%Module)                               #! Close the module file

 #ENDIF                                          #! END (If module to be…)

#ENDFOR                                           #! END (For all member modules)

#FIX(%Module,%Program)                            #! FIX to program module

#MESSAGE('Generating Module:    ' &amp; %Module, 1)   #! Post generation message

#FREE(%ModuleProcs)                               #! Clear module prototypes

#FREE(%ModuleFilesUsed)                           #! Clear files used

#CREATE(%BuildFile)                               #! Create temp module file

#FOR(%ModuleProcedure)                            #! For all procs in module

 #FIX(%Procedure,%ModuleProcedure)               #! Fix current procedure

 #MESSAGE('Generating Procedure: ' &amp; %Procedure, 2) #! Post generation message

 #GENERATE(%Procedure)                           #! Generate procedure code

#ENDFOR                                           #! EndFor all procs in module

#CLOSE()                                          #! Close last temp file

See Also:     #GENERATE


application_source_generation_control_section_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:56 by