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AddSortOrder( [thumbstep] [, key ]), PROC


AddSortOrder Specifies an additional sort order for the browse list.
thumbstep The label of the StepClass object that controls vertical scroll bar and thumb behavior. If omitted, the vertical scroll bar exhibits Fixed Thumb behavior. See Control Templates–BrowseBox for more information on thumb behavior.
key The label of the KEY to sort by. If omitted, the browse list is not sorted–the items appear in physical order, or in the order specified by the inherited AppendOrder method.

The AddSortOrder method specifies an additional sort order for the browse list and returns the sort order's sequence number for use with the SetSort method. You must call the AddSortOrder method for each different sort order applied to the browse list.

The AddLocator method adds an associated locator for the sort order defined by the preceding call to AddSortOrder.

The AddResetField method adds an associated reset field for the sort order defined by the preceding call to AddSortOrder. You may add multiple reset fields for each sort order with multiple calls to AddResetField.

The inherited AddRange method adds an associated range limit for the sort order defined by the preceding call to AddSortOrder.

Implementation:     The AddSortOrder method adds an entry at a time to the Sort property.

Return Data Type:     BYTE


BrowseSt.AddSortOrder(BrowseSt:Step,StFile:ByCode)   !add sort order

BrowseSt.AddLocator(BrowseSt:Locator)                !and associated locator

BrowseSt.AddResetField(Local:StFilter)               !and associated reset field

See Also:     AddLocator, AddResetField, Sort, StepClass, SetSort, ViewManager.AddRange, ViewManager.AppendOrder

addsortorder_specify_a_browse_sort_order_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:56 by