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VALIDATEOLE( OLEControl, <; OLEFileName> , <;OLECreateName> )


VALIDATEOLE Validate that an OLE control has been successfully created
OLEControl A field number or field equate label of the OLE control.
OLEFileName (under construction)
OLECreatename (under construction)

VALIDATEOLE is used to verify that an OLE control has been created successfully. VALIDATEOLE returns TRUE if the OLE control has been successfully created.

If not successful, VALIDATEOLE can optionally display a message box that describes why the OLE control could not be created, provided that the OLEFilename parameter is passed, and then returns FALSE. Otherwise, VALIDATEOLE just returns FALSE if only the OLEControl is designated.

To add support for this utility to your existing applications, you need only include the CWUTIL.INC file in the Global Map section of your program:


Return Data Type:     BYTE


LOC:OLEActive = VALIDATEOLE( ) !is a remote session active?