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SetOption(whichoption, value)


SetOption Set the Ignore Case and Word Only options.
whichoption An integer constant, variable, EQUATE, or expression that specifies which option to set. The equates for these options are located in ABFUZZY.INC. MatchOption:NoCase sets the Ignore Case option. MatchOption:WordOnly sets the Word Only option.
value An integer constant, variable, EQUATE, or expression that specifies the value for the option. A value of one (1 or True) will set the option on; a value of zero (0 or False) will turn the option off. The default value is True.

The SetOption method logically sets one of the two options available for FuzzyMatching. These are Ignore Case and Word Only. When Ignore Case is set the query is case insensitive. Word Only finds the query value only if it is a separate word (denoted by a space directly before and directly after the text.

Return Data Type:     BYTE


FuzzyMatcher.SetOption(MatchOption:NoCase, 1)   !set for case insensitive search
FuzzyMatcher.SetOption(MatchOption:WordOnly, 0) !turn off word only search