Navigation:  ABC Library Reference > IReportGenerator Interface > IReportGenerator Methods >====== IReportGenerator Methods ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

AskProperties (pop up window to set properties)

CloseDocument (end document printing)

ClosePage (end a page print)

GetProperty (get a property value)

Init (initialize error class before printing)

OpenDocument (begin document printing)

OpenPage (begin a page print)

ProcessBand (begin/end report band processing)

ProcessCheck (print a checkbox)

ProcessEllipse (print an ellipse)

ProcessImage (print an image)

ProcessLine (print a line)

ProcessOption (print an option control)

ProcessRadio (print a radio button)

ProcessRectangle (print a box control)

ProcessText (print a string or text control)

SetProperty (set a property value)

WhoAmI (identify the report generator type)