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There are some menus and commands that you see in almost every windows program. For example, Cut, Copy, and Paste. Clarion provides an easy method for implementing these standard actions in your application menus–with the StdID property field on the Menu Editor dialog.

Simply enter one of the equates listed below in the StdID field. Clarion will automatically implement the command using standard windows behavior; you do not need any other support for it in your code. The standard equate labels and their associated actions are also contained in the ..\LIBSRC\EQUATES.CLW file.

STD:PrintSetup Printer Options Dialog.
STD:Close Closes active window.
STD:Undo Reverses the last editing action.
STD:Cut Deletes selection, copies to clipboard.
STD:Copy Copies selection to clipboard.
STD:Paste Pastes clipboard contents at the insertion point.
STD:Clear Deletes selection.
STD:TileWindow Arranges child windows edge to edge.
STD:TileHorizontal Arranges child windows edge to edge.
STD:TileVertical Arranges child windows edge to edge.
STD:CascadeWindow Arranges child windows so all title bars are visible.
STD:ArrangeIcons Arranges iconized child windows.
STD:WindowList Adds child window names to menu.
STD:Help Opens .HLP file to the contents page.
STD:HelpIndex Opens .HLP file to the index.
STD:HelpOnHelp Opens Microsoft's .HLP file for the Windows Help system.
STD:HelpSearch Opens Microsoft's Help Search utility for the .HLP file.