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FileManager Overview

Dual Approach to Database Operations

FileManager Relationship to Other Application Builder Classes

FileManager and Threaded Files

FileManager ABC Template Implementation

FileManager Source Files

FileManager Conceptual Example

FileManager Properties

AliasedFile (the primary file)

Buffer (the record buffer)

Buffers (saved record buffers)

Create (create file switch)

Errors (the ErrorManager)

File (the managed file)

FileName (variable filename)

FileNameValue (constant filename)

LazyOpen (delay file open until access)

LockRecover (/RECOVER wait time parameter)

OpenMode (file access/sharing mode)

SkipHeldRecords (HELD record switch)

FileManager Methods

Naming Conventions and Dual Approach to Database Operations

FileManager Functional Organization--Expected Use

AddField(track fields in a structure)

AddKey (set the file's keys)

BindFields (bind fields when file is opened)

CancelAutoInc (undo PrimeAutoInc)

ClearKey (clear specified key components)

Close (close the file)

Deleted (return record status)

DeleteRecord (delete a record)

Destruct (automatic destructor)

EqualBuffer (detect record buffer changes)

Fetch (get a specific record by key value)

GetComponents (return the number of key components)

GetEOF (return end of file status)

GetError (return the current error ID)

GetField (return a reference to a key component)

GetFieldName (return a key component field name)

GetFields(get number of fields)

GetFieldPicture(get field picture)

GetFieldType(get field type)

GetName (return the filename)

Init (initialize the FileManager object)

Insert (add a new record)

KeyToOrder (return ORDER expression for a key)

Kill (shutdown the FileManager object)

Next (get next record in sequence)

Open (open the file)

Position (return the current record position)

Previous (get previous record in sequence)

PrimeAutoInc (prepare an autoincremented record for adding)

PrimeFields (a virtual to prime fields)

PrimeRecord (prepare a record for adding:FileManager)

RestoreBuffer (restore a previously saved record buffer)

RestoreFile (restore a previously saved file state)

SaveBuffer (save a copy of the record buffer)

SaveFile (save the current file state)

SetError (save the specified error and underlying error state)

SetKey (set current key)

SetName (set current filename)

Throw (pass an error to the error handler for processing)

ThrowMessage (pass an error and text to the error handler)

TryFetch (try to get a specific record by key value)

TryInsert (try to add a new record)

TryNext (try to get next record in sequence)

TryOpen (try to open the file)

TryPrevious (try to get previous record in sequence)

TryPrimeAutoInc (try to prepare an autoincremented record for adding)

TryReget (try to get a specific record by position)

TryUpdate (try to change the current record)

Update (change the current record)

UseFile (use LazyOpen file)

ValidateField (validate a field)

ValidateFields (validate a range of fields)

ValidateFieldServer(validate field contents)

ValidateRecord (validate all fields)