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Drilldown (| parGraphNpp, graphName, NodeId, NodeName, Xnode, Ynode |)


Drilldown Unhides, calculates and draws the target graph object
parGraphNpp A LONG integer that identifies the GraphID FEQ to process
graphName String text that identifies the graph name.
NodeID The positional node value of the active graph control that is passed to the drilldown graph control.
NodeName The positional node name of the active graph control that is passed to the drilldown graph control.
Xnode The positional X Node coordinate (in Physical Units) of the active graph control that is passed to the drilldown graph control.
Ynode The positional Y Node coordinate (in Physical Units) of the active graph control that is passed to the drilldown graph control.

The Drilldown method hides the current active graph control, and unhides the target (drilldown) graph control. The target graph object's data points are calculated and drawn.

Optional parameters can be processed by the target drilldown graph control. This allows the target control to be related to the original graph object.


The Drilldown method is called from the TakeEventOfParent method, when a Drilldown event is posted.

See Also:     TakeEventOfParent , ReturnFromDrillDown