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CalcPopupAdd2(PopupMgr, Text, Name, Items, ItemMask, Check, CheckValue)


CalcPopupAdd2 Create popup menu items specific to a selected graph type
PopupMgr The reference to an object of a PopupClass type.
Text A string constant, variable, EQUATE, or expression containing the text of the menu item. A single hyphen (-) creates a non-selectable separator (a 3D horizontal bar) on the menu. An ampersand (&) designates the next character as the menu item's hot key.
Name A string constant, variable, EQUATE, or expression containing the menu item name. Other methods refer to the menu item by its name, not by its text. This lets you apply runtime translation or dynamic reordering of menus without changing your code.
Items A LONG integer that is bit-mapped and used with ItemMask to determine the availability of a popup menu item based on graph type and area.
ItemMask A LONG integer that is used with Items to determine a popup items visibility.
Check A LONG integer compared with CheckValue to determine a popup items initial state (checked/unchecked, enabled/disabled)
CheckValue A LONG integer that is used with Check to determine a popup items current state.

The CalcPopupAdd2 method adds conditional popup menu items to the graph control popup based on graph type and other factors. If an item has been added correctly, a non-zero value is returned by the method.

Return Data Type:     LONG


The CalcPopupAdd2 method is called from the CalcPopup method. A set of properties and equates (see GRAPH.EQU in the \LIBSRC folder) determine the availability of menu items and their initial state.

See Also:     CalcPopup,