Navigation:  »No topics above this level«====== File Convert Dialog ====== Return to chapter overview

This dialog allows you to convert the records in an existing data file to a new file format. When you modify a data dictionary and application, you can use the conversion utility to convert your existing data to the modified format.

The method you use to call the file conversion utility affects its behavior. If you open the converter through the Dictionary Editor (with the appropriate .DCT file open) the converter uses all the information in the dictionary. If start you open a file from any other area, only the information stored in the file header is available. This offers maximum flexibility–allowing you to browse a file without the need for a .DCT.

The information stored in a file header varies according to the file driver.

There are two methods of converting a file–immediate conversion and Generate Source. Immediate conversion converts the file once. Generate Source creates a source code file, allowing you to make any desired modifications before compiling. Generating and compiling source also creates an executable file that you can ship to end-users to convert their data file.

Before conversion, the utility makes backup copies of the data file and its associated index and memo files. If the conversion process is interrupted, these backup files are renamed to their original names. If you specify a target filename that differs from the original, then the original files are not renamed and are left in place.

The items you specify in this dialog's entry fields controls the conversion.

Source Filename Specifies the file to convert. This defaults to the file opened by the Database Browser.
Source Dictionary Specifies the dictionary which contains the file definition for the source data file. If the file conversion utility was invoked from a data dictionary, this defaults to the current dictionary. A Source Dictionary is not required.
Source Structure Specifies the structure (within the dictionary) which defines the source file. If the file conversion utility was invoked from a data dictionary, this defaults to the current file definition. A Source Structure is not required.
Target Filename Specifies the name of the new file. This defaults to the current filename.
Target Dictionary Specifies the dictionary which contains the file definition to which to convert. A Target Dictionary is required.
Target Structure Specifies the structure (within the dictionary) of the target file. The Target Structure is required.
Generated Source The filename for the source code which will create an executable file to change the database. When converting a file, if you want to make any field assignments edit the source code before compiling and executing.


If you change the name of a field, generate source code, and edit the source code to make the field assignments. Otherwise, your data will be lost. See How to Make a Field Assignment .

For immediate file conversion, without generating source code, see How to Convert a File (without generating source) .