| **Navigation:**  [[abc library reference.htm|ABC Library Reference]] > FileManager > FileManager Properties >====== UseMRP (IPD Multiple Request Packet Support) {{c6h0009.jpg|C6H0009.jpg}} ====== | [[skipheldrecords held record switch .htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[abc library reference.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[filemanager methods.htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || | | **UseMRP** | **BYTE, PROTECTED** | {{blk2blue.jpg|blk2blue.jpg}} The **UseMRP **property determines whether or not the IP Driver's Multiple Request Packet feature is active. Setting this property to 1 (TRUE) activates MRPs, and setting this property to 0 (FALSE) disables the MRP feature. MRPs are designed to improve the performance of data transfer via IP protocol, by packaging multiple requests (records) into a single IP data packet. **Implementation:** The **NextServer** method queries the value of the **UseMRP** property, and sets the IP Driver's **IPRequestCount** property appropriately. If active, the value of the MRP is equal to the value set in the **MRPSize** property (default is 10). The Close Method clears the UseMRP property to FALSE. **See Also:     [[getusemrp get usemrp value fm.htm|GetUseMRP]], [[setusemrp set usemrp value fm.htm|SetUseMRP]]**