| **Navigation:**  [[templates.htm|Templates]] > [[templates by topic.htm|Templates by Topic]] > Extended User Interface >====== Global Extended UI Frame Enhancements ====== | [[email and sms from hand-code.htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[templates by topic.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[extended ui.htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || In the **Global Properties > Actions** of the Clarion Win32 application, press the **Extended UI** button found on the **App Settings** tab. Select from the following options: **Enable Themed Menu** The Classic XP Menu Style creates a color bar on the left side of your pull down menus, where menu icons can also be placed. For example, in MS Word, you would see: {{uimsword.jpg|UIMSWord.jpg}} Check the **Enable Themed Menu** box to enable this style of menu. Next, select from one of the following** Color Types:** | **//BabyBlue//** | **//BabyBlueWhite//** | **//EnergyBlueLight//** | | {{babyblue.jpg|BabyBlue.jpg}} | {{babybluewhite.jpg|BabyBlueWhite.jpg}} | {{energybluelight.jpg|EnergyBlueLight.jpg}} | | **//VistaAero//** | **//VistaAeroWhite//** | | | {{vistaaero.jpg|VistaAero.jpg}} | {{vistaaerow.jpg|VistaAeroW.jpg}} | | | **//Vista Black//** | **//VistaEnergyBlue//** | **//Windows2K//** | | {{vistablack.jpg|VistaBlack.jpg}} | {{vistaenergyblue.jpg|VistaEnergyBlue.jpg}} | {{windows2k.jpg|Windows2K.jpg}} | | **//WindowsClassic//** | **//WindowsClassicLight//** | **//WindowsClassicLightWhite//** | | {{windowsclassic.jpg|WindowsClassic.jpg}} | {{windowsclassiclight.jpg|WindowsClassicLight.jpg}} | {{windowsclightwhite.jpg|WindowsCLightWhite.jpg}} | | **//XPEnergyBlue//** | **//XPLunaBlue//** | **//XPLunaBlueLight//** | | {{xpenergyblue.jpg|XPEnergyBlue.jpg}} | {{xplunablue.jpg|XPLunaBlue.jpg}} | {{xplunabluelight.jpg|XPLunaBlueLight.jpg}} | | **//XPLunaGreen//** | **//XPLunaGreenLight//** | **//XPLunaSilver//** | | {{xplunagreen.jpg|XPLunaGreen.jpg}} | {{xplunagreenlight.jpg|XPLunaGreenLight.jpg}} | {{xplunasiver.jpg|XPLunaSiver.jpg}} | //OS Theme With Bar// This setting allows the Menu Style to automatically reflect the colors you have set in the active Windows Theme. {{osthemewithbar.jpg|OSThemeWithBar.jpg}} //OS Theme Without Bar// Similar to the Automatic setting, except for the bar where the menu icons are populated. This setting will reflect the same color as the menu background. {{osthemewithoutbarwhite.jpg|OSThemeWithoutBarWhite.jpg}} //OS Theme Without Bar and White Background// Similar to the Automatic setting, except for the bar where the menu icons are populated. The background of the Menu Item area is also set to White. {{osthemewithoutbarwhite.jpg|OSThemeWithoutBarWhite.jpg}} Colors are set when the program starts. Changing the window theme at runtime will not change the menu colors. You will need to refresh the menu colors calling the appropriate method described below. //User Defined// Select your own color and gradient! Selecting //User Defined// enables the **User Colors** button, and a subsequent dialog allows you to control **all aspects** of your Clarion Menu {{notebox.jpg|NoteBox.jpg}} The User Colors dialog also include support for non-color elements of Menu Themes, These non-color elements include: **Flat** (appearance) **Show Image Bar** (this is the vertical image that appears on the left side of the menu items) **Separator3D **(give your separator bars a "3D look") **SeparatorFull **(give your separator bar a full width across the menu item box) **VerticalLine **(draw a vertical line that separates the Image Bar from the menu item text) You can also activate any of these non-color elements using any of the corresponding code methods in the [[menustylemanager methods.htm|MenuStyleManager]] Class. **Disable Vertical Bar** Some Color types shown above have a default vertical bar as shown. If you would like to disable this default bar, check this option. {{notebox.jpg|NoteBox.jpg}} **In order for XP Menu Styles to be recognized, you MUST assign a USE variable to your target MENUBAR (i.e., ****//?MENUBAR//****).** **Runtime Change Support** Check the **Enable Runtime Support** box to enable dynamic runtime support for your visual styles. Select a valid STRING variable in the **Storage Variable** drop list that contains the style to load at startup. The following values are currently supported for runtime support: Auto (activates //OS Theme With Bar//) AutoNoBar (activates //OS Theme Without Bar//) AutoNoBarWhite (activates //OS Theme Without Bar and White Background//) WindowsClassic WindowsClassicLight WindowsClassicLightWhite Windows2K VistaBlack VistaAero VistaAeroWhite BabyBlue BabyBlueWhite XPLunaBlue XPLunaGreen XPLunaSilver XPEnergyBlue VistaEnergyBlue EnergyBlueLight XPLunaBlueLight XPLunaGreenLight The values are passed to the SetThemeColors method found in the MenuStyleManager Class. You can also override and derive this method to allow you to create your own styles {{blk2blue.jpg|blk2blue.jpg}} **MDI Tab** An MDI Tab is a special toolbar that keeps track of all active MDI windows in a tabbed format. You can position your MDI Tabs at the //Top//, //Bottom//, or //Disable// it for this application. **MDI Tab Style** Select from one of the following styles: //Default// uses the current tab style set by the XP operating system. For example: {{uimdidefault2.jpg|UIMDIDefault2.jpg}} //B&W// displays a black and white tab style: {{uimditabdefault.jpg|UIMDITabDefault.jpg}} //Colored// displays colored tabs using a set of predefined colors defined in the target window. {{uimdicolored.jpg|UIMDIColored.jpg}} //Boxed// displays a boxed type of tab style: {{uimditabboxed.jpg|UIMDITabBoxed.jpg}} **Sheet's Tab Control Style** This global setting affects ALL SHEET controls contained in your application. You can override these settings if you wish by accessing a similar setting in the Actions tab of each individual target SHEET control. The SHEET control organizes TABS in the Extended UI using one of the following **Tab Style**: //Default// {{uidefault.jpg|UIDefault.jpg}} //B&W// {{uib_w.jpg|UIB_W.jpg}} //Colored// {{uicolored.jpg|UIColored.jpg}} {{notebox.jpg|NoteBox.jpg}} You must explicitly set the color you need on each TAB control.. //Boxed// {{uiboxed.jpg|UIBoxed.jpg}} {{notebox.jpg|NoteBox.jpg}} All STRING controls populated on a Sheet/Tab control need to be set as **Transparent** for a proper display with XP styles.