| **Navigation:**  [[abc library reference.htm|ABC Library Reference]] > FileDropComboClass > FileDropComboClass Methods >====== TakeEvent (process the current ACCEPT loop event:FileDropComboClass) {{c6h0009.jpg|C6H0009.jpg}} ====== | [[takeaccepted process accepted event 1.htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[abc library reference.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[takenewselection process event newselection events filedropcomboclass .htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || **TakeEvent, VIRTUAL** {{blk2blue.jpg|blk2blue.jpg}} The **TakeEvent **method processes the current ACCEPT loop event for the FileDropComboClass object. **Implementation:** The WindowManager.TakeEvent method calls the TakeEvent method. On a new item selection, the TakeEvent method calls the TakeNewSelection method. On EVENT:Accepted for the entry portion of the COMBO, the TakeEvent method calls the GetQueueMatch method to locate the list item nearest to the entered value. If the entered value is not in the lookup file, the TakeEvent method calls the Ask method to add the new value to the lookup file. If the add is successful, TakeEvent calls the ResetQueue method to refill the display queue. **Example:** **MyWindowManager.TakeEvent PROCEDURE** **Rval BYTE(Level:Benign)** **I   USHORT,AUTO** **  CODE** ** !procedure code** ** LOOP I = 1 TO RECORDS(SELF.Browses)** **  GET(SELF.Browses,I)** **  SELF.Browses.Browse.TakeEvent** ** END** ** LOOP i=1 TO RECORDS(SELF.FileDrops)** **  GET(SELF.FileDrops,i)** **  ASSERT(~ERRORCODE())** **  SELF.FileDrops.FileDrop.TakeEvent** ** END** ** RETURN RVal** **See Also:     **[[ask add a record to the lookup file .htm|Ask]], [[getqueuematch locate a list item .htm|GetQueueMatch]], [[resetqueue refill the filedrop queue .htm|ResetQueue]], [[takenewselection process event newselection events filedropcomboclass .htm|TakeNewSelection]], [[takeevent a virtual to process all events windowmanagerclass .htm|WindowManager.TakeEvent]]