| **Navigation:**  [[abc library reference.htm|ABC Library Reference]] > FileManager > FileManager Methods >====== SetErrors (set the error class used) {{c6h0009.jpg|C6H0009.jpg}} ====== | [[seterror save the specified error and underlying error state .htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[abc library reference.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[setkey set current key .htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || **SetErrors( **//ErrorClass //**)** {{blk2blue.jpg|blk2blue.jpg}} | **SetErrors** | Sets the Error Class that the file manager uses. | | //ErrorClass// | The label of the ErrorClass object. | The new SetErrors() method of the file manager allows you to set the error class that the file manager uses after it has been initialized. **Example:** | **DLLInitializer.Construct PROCEDURE** | | | | **  CODE** | | **  !Initialize the local INI manager to use windows INI file** | | **  LocalINIMgr.Init('allfiles.INI', NVD_INI)** | | | | **  INIMgr &= LocalINIMgr** | | **  ** | | **  FuzzyMatcher.Init                              ! Initilaize the browse 'fuzzy matcher'** | | **  FuzzyMatcher.SetOption(MatchOption:NoCase, 1)  ! Configure case matching** | | **  FuzzyMatcher.SetOption(MatchOption:WordOnly, 0)! Configure 'word only' matching** | | **  ** | | **!These procedures are used to initialize the DLL. ** | | **!It must be called by the main executable when it starts up** | | | | **allfiles:Init PROCEDURE(<;ErrorClass curGlobalErrors>, <;INIClass curINIMgr>)** | | | | **  CODE** | | **  IF ~curGlobalErrors &= NULL** | | **    GlobalErrors &= curGlobalErrors** | | **  END** | | **  IF ~curINIMgr &= NULL** | | **    INIMgr &= curINIMgr** | | **  END** | | **  Access:Customer.SetErrors(GlobalErrors)** | | **  Access:Orders.SetErrors(GlobalErrors)** | | **  Access:Detail.SetErrors(GlobalErrors)** | | **  Access:Products.SetErrors(GlobalErrors)** | | **  Access:Phones.SetErrors(GlobalErrors)** | | | | |